Prof. Maria Del Carmen - Committee Member - Energy Evolution Expo

Prof. Maria Del Carmen Clemente Julpm

Professor, Emeritus Spain

Professor Emeritus, Polytechnic University of Madrid(UPM). Full Professor of the Department of Energy and Fuels of the High Technical School of Mining and Energy Engineer(ETSIME) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid(UPM). Degree and Master in Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid(UCM)with the qualification of Outstanding. She did her doctoral thesis at the Nuclear Energy Board(JEN). PhD in Chemical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)with the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude unanimously. Principal Investigator of numerous research projects, her research results have been published in high impact SCI journals in the field of energy. President of the Congress of the Spanish Coal Group in its editions in Madrid. Member of the organizing and scientific committees and chair of scientific sessions of the international congresses: International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, International Conference in Environmental Science and Technology, International CARBON (The Annual World Conference on Carbon) and International Congress ANQUE ICCE-BIOTECH. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Clean Coal and Energy, she is an expert reviewer of the JCR journals: Fuel, Fuel Processing Technology and the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy published by Elsevier and Energy and Fuels published by the American Chemical Society. Technical Director and Quality Director of the Industrial Chemical Testing Laboratory (UPM) accredited by the National Accreditation Entity (ENAC). Supervisor of radioactive installations, Spanish Nuclear Energy Board (JEN). Member of the Educational Innovation Group(UPM): Chemistry applied to the engineering of mineral and energy resources. The results of educational innovation in development and the implementation of the European Higher Education Area in the subjects of her academic teaching profile and obtained through publicly funded educational innovation projects have been disseminated at the international congress VIRTUAL EDUCA and she is the author of numerous online teaching material in addition to being responsible for the subjects that she has coordinated at OCW – Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Assistant to the Director of the School of Mining and Energy Engineers(UPM). A member of the UPM Senate and its statutes and regulations committee, she is coauthor of the current statutes of this university and its regulations. She is a visiting professor at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, at the Technical Universities of Munich, Nuremberg, Stockholm, Copenhagen, at the International Universities of Venice, Thessaloniki, Azores, Cairo and at the Universities of the PR China Beijing Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering University and Tsinghua University where she has been responsible for the first cooperation in research in low CO2 energies and that led to the Framework Agreement currently existing between this University and UPM. Expert-evaluator in the EU Framework Programs (R+D+i Energy), Research Fund Program for Coal and Steel, Horizon 2020 Program(R+D+i Energy) and Horizon Europe 2021. Advanced materials for hydrogen storage. Member of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Member of the European Community Chemical Council (EUCHEM). President of the Technical Section of Chemical Engineering of the College and of the Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Madrid. Member of the Governing Boards of the College and of the Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Madrid. She is in possession of the medals of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Distinguished Collegiate of the Illustrious College of Chemists of Madrid, of the ANQUE Madrid, as well as the medal of Outstanding Scientist of the Bibliographical Center of Cambridge University. As Corresponding Academician of the Royal Spanish Academy of Doctors (RADE) she entered this academy in 1990. On April 17, 2024,she took office as Academician of Medal No. 5 belonging to the Section of Experimental Sciences (RADE) .Her inauguration speech was about the energy of the future.

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