Prof. Marina Frontasyeva - Committee member - Energy Evaluation Expo

Prof. Marina Frontasyeva

Associate Professor, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Russia

Marina Vladimirovna FRONTASYEVA, Associate Professor, Professor of RAE, Candidate of
Physics and Mathematical Sciences, graduate of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental
Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Saratov State University, has been working at the Frank
Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear research (
in the field of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) at the IBR-2 reactor using the
REGATA radioanalytical complex for research in the field of Life Sciences and Materials
From 1997 to August 2019, she was the Head of the Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and
Applied Research (SNAA & AR) at FLNP JINR. Currently she is FLNP Director Advisor for
Applied Research and Innovation.
From 1994 to 2009, FRONTASYEVA was the permanent Scientific Secretary Scientific Council
for Applied Nuclear Physics of the RAS. From 1997 to 2024, she is a member of the
International Committee on Activation Analysis (ICAA) (
She is the leader of numerous international projects coordinated by the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA, Vienna) and the Framework Programs of the European Union, as well as
the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). Since 2014 till 2023 M.V. FRONTASIEVA
was the Coordinator of the UN Air Pollution Europe Program for Europe
Since 1999, M.V., FRONTASYEVA has been combining her activities at JINR with lecturing on
nuclear physical methods of environmental analysis at the Department of Chemistry of the
International University of Dubna ( Every year, under the leadership
of M.F. FRONTASYEVA bachelor’s and master’s theses are prepared. Based on the results of
research carried out in the SNAA & AR, 12 candidate’s theses were defended under her
supervision and one more is in the process of preparation
Since 1997, about 150 undergraduate and graduate students of Russian universities and
universities of JINR member and non-member countries have completed internships in the NAA
sector (
M.V. FRONTASYEVA regularly lectures at International Schools organized by JINR in Dubna,
RF, and other countries (See, for example,
As a guest lecturer, she taught a special course “Nuclear Physical Analytical Methods in the Life
Sciences” at Cairo University (Egypt, 1999), Beijin University (China, 2000), Mongolian
University (Mongolia, 2003, 2005), Hanoi University (Vietnam, 2004), at the UNESCO School
in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam, 2018), etc., as well as in Spain and Portugal as a visiting
professor in 2013 within the framework of the European Union ERASMUS MUNDUS Program.
As part of the team of authors M.V. FRONTASYEVA is a laureate of the 1st and 2nd degree
JINR Prizes, as well as FLNP JINR Prizes. In 2004 she was awarded the departmental badge
“Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry”. For achievements in the field of neutron activation
analysis and training of young specialists, she was awarded the Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Medal, awarded by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2006). The Mongolian Academy
of Sciences recognized FRONTASYEVA’s contribution to the education of students and young
professionals with the “Honored Teacher” medal (2006). The Polish Academy of Sciences
awarded FRONTASYEVA the medal “50 years of Poland’s participation in JINR” for his
contribution to the development of cooperation with Polish universities.
In 2009, for her participation in the creation of the Geochemical Atlas “Veles and Surroundings,”
virons she was awarded the State Prize of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
In the period 1989–1997 FRONTASYEVA was on the editorial board of the international
journal The Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN); currently M.V. FRONTASYEVA is
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the international journal “Chemistry-Didactics-Ecology-Metrology”;
head of the section “Heavy Metals and Radionuclides in the Environment” of the international
journal Ecological Chemistry and Engineering (, and also a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics
(JNRP) (, World Journal of Chemisty
(, Journal of Science and Art, Romania
(, Journal of Marine
Science (, Journal of Radiation
and Nuclear Applications (;.
Associate Editor of Journal of Environmental Science and Chemistry (JESC)
Her research interests include geology, medicine, biomonitoring of air and water ecosystems,
nano-bio-technologies, new materials, cosmic dust and radionuclides in the environment.
M.V. FRONTASYEVA is the author and co-author of more than 550 scientific papers published
in Russian and international scientific journals, conference proceedings and JINR
Communications, the author of two patents registered by the Patent Office of the Russian
Federation ( .

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