[ June 18, 2024 by user 0 Comments ]

Leading Geothermal Energy Events Exploring Untapped Potential


This high-level conference will bring together the European Commission, the European Parliament and Member States alongside investors and industry leaders to explore the market and regulatory opportunities to increase the pace of investment in three sessions –

i) baseload geothermal electricity;

ii) energy storage; and

iii) lithium. Geothermal energy stands at the forefront of Europe’s journey toward a post-fossil fuel era, offering a reliable, resilient, renewable, and local energy source.

As our society progresses and continues to decarbonise, geothermal is the only energy source with the versatility to supply local raw materials, electricity, heating, cooling, and energy storage. The approval of a European Geothermal Strategy, accompanied by a clear roadmap for mass deployment, has become imperative for the European Union’s sustainable energy transition.

1. Energy Evolution Awards, Conference & Expo 2025

2. The Invest Geothermal Conference 2024

3. The Second Budapest Geothermal Energy Summit 2024

4. GeoTHERM Expo and Congress 2025

5. The German Geothermal Congress ( DGK) 2024

6. The 5th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition (GET 2024)

7. The IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition 2025

8. The European Geothermal Congress (EGC) 2025

Leading Geothermal Energy Events Exploring Untapped Potential - Energy Evolution Expo

 Energy Evolution Awards, Conference & Expo 2025:

  Date: March 13-15, 2025

  Venue: Madrid, Spain

  Website: https://energyevolutionexpo.com

The Energy Evolution Awards, Conference, and Expo, organized by Next Business Media, will make its inaugural appearance in Spain in 2025. The event will take place over 3 days from March 13-15 and will be honoring excellence in Energy Technology and facilitating collaborations.

Bringing together industry leaders to explore advancements and address challenges, the event is expected to celebrate achievements and promote sustainable practices to propel the Geothermal Energy Industry into a technologically advanced sustainable era, shaping a brighter energy landscape.

EnergyNext Awards, Conference & Expo, under the ownership of Next Business Media and endorsed by InternetShine Corp, USA, aims to establish a global hub for the energy technology sector. It serves as a collaborative platform for tech startups, SMEs, established providers, investors, and institutions to connect and innovate across various topics, including energy security and sustainable solutions.

The Invest Geothermal Conference 2024: 

Date: 25-26 June,2024

Venue: Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Website: https://www.investgeothermal.com/en

The Invest Geothermal Conference 2024, organized by Enerchange and ThinkGeoEnergy, is scheduled to take place on June 25-26 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. This conference will bring together stakeholders from the geothermal energy sector to discuss financial challenges and opportunities in the industry.

Key topics include financing options, investor perspectives, project funding, risk mitigation, and the impact of the EU taxonomy on geothermal projects. The event will feature presentations on municipal and local investment models, the bankability of geothermal projects, and risk-sharing mechanisms in Central Europe.

It aims to facilitate cooperation between municipal utilities and private investors, addressing the complexities of public-private partnerships. The conference will also offer a “Geothermal Energy in a Nutshell” workshop for non-specialists and conclude with a social event to foster networking among participants.

The 2nd Budapest Geothermal Energy Summit 2024:

Date: 20 september 2024

Venue: Budapest, Hungary

Website: https://budapestgeothermalenergysummit.hu/

The event will gather global leaders, policymakers, industry experts, and researchers to discuss the development and potential of geothermal energy in the region. Highlights include an opening address by Hungary’s Minister of Energy, Csaba Lantos, and panels featuring representatives from MVM Group, Ormat, and Arctic Green.

The summit will focus on Hungary’s strategy to double its geothermal energy usage by 2030, supported by policy discussions and case studies on successful projects. Organized with the backing of the European Geothermal Energy Council, the summit aims to advance cooperation and innovation in geothermal energy.

GeoTHERM Expo & Congress 2025:

Date: 20-21 February, 2025

Venue: Offenburg, Germany

Website: https://www.geotherm-offenburg.de/en

As Europe’s largest geothermal energy trade fair, the event is set to feature extensive exhibitions and two congresses focused on shallow and deep geothermal energy. The previous edition in 2024 saw significant growth, with 6,509 trade visitors and 241 exhibitors from over 40 countries. This year’s congress will include 56 presentations on the latest developments and practical experiences in the geothermal sector. The event provides a vital platform for networking and knowledge exchange among industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers.

The German Geothermal Congress (DGK) 2024:

Date: 22-24 October, 2024

Venue: Kongresshotel,Potsdam, Germany


This prominent event will bring together over 500 participants, including industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers, to discuss advancements and challenges in geothermal energy. The congress will feature a variety of sessions covering near-surface, medium-depth, and deep geothermal energy, with a special focus on practical applications and technological innovations.

This year’s program will include contributions from Nordic partner countries, showcasing their successful geothermal solutions and fostering international collaboration. The event will also offer extensive networking opportunities through social evenings, exhibitions, and excursions to local geothermal sites.

The 5th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition (GET 2024):

Date: 4-7 November, 2024

Venue: Rotterdam, Netherlands

Website: https://eageget.org/

 This event aims to gather geoscience and engineering professionals to discuss the transition to sustainable energy. The conference will feature four sub-conferences focused on Offshore Wind Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen & Energy Storage. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a robust technical program with over 400 presentations, network with industry leaders, and explore innovative solutions that support the shift towards a low-carbon future.

The IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition 2025:

Date: 25-26 March, 2025

Venue: Vienna, Austria

Website: https://iadc.org/event/iadc-geothermal-drilling-2025/

The IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition aims to lead the way in shaping the future of energy by focusing on Geothermal Upstream, covering topics such as subsurface activities, drilling techniques, production methods, and regulatory frameworks. Participants will gain valuable insights into business models, procurement strategies, and supply chains, while also exploring groundbreaking technologies that could revolutionize the geothermal and broader energy industries.

By leveraging IADC’s expertise in defining standards for the Petroleum Upstream, the conference aims to establish a common vocabulary and set of standards for the geothermal sector. Additionally, it will address the challenges posed by inconsistent and underdeveloped regulatory regimes in geothermal energy, providing guidance for both businesses and regulators. This event offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable and cleaner energy future while discussing the latest advancements and hurdles in geothermal energy production.

The European Geothermal Congress (EGC) 2025:

Date: 6-10, 2025

Venue: Zurich, Switzerland


The European Geothermal Congress (EGC) 2025 is scheduled to be held in Zurich, Switzerland. Organized by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) and co-organized by Geothermie Schweiz, this congress is the largest geothermal event in Europe, occurring every three years. It serves as a central hub for industry professionals, academics, and policymakers to converge, share insights, and advance the geothermal sector.

The event will feature a scientific conference, industry presentations, exhibitions, training courses, and various networking opportunities. The aim is to foster collaboration across different sectors to enhance the geothermal market and integrate geothermal energy more effectively into the European energy mix.

Within the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, geothermal power stands out as a reliable and environmentally friendly resource that is frequently underappreciated. Its capacity to provide clean energy, heating, cooling, and support mineral extraction demonstrates significant potential, even if its adoption may not be as rapid as other renewable alternatives.

Nevertheless, a discernible change is underway, marked by growing discussions and enthusiasm surrounding geothermal energy. Significant events and conferences play a crucial role in propelling this movement forward by facilitating insightful conversations, interviews, and analyses that highlight geothermal energy’s ability to revolutionize our energy systems and promote sustainability.

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