Dr. Alina Adriana Minea - Committee Members - Energy Evaluation xpo

Dr. Alina Adriana Minea

Professor, Technical University Gheorghe Asachi from Iasi

Minea Alina Adriana was born on 15-th of June, 1971, in Barlad, Romania. In 1994 she finished her academic studies at Technical University Gheorghe Asachi from Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, in 2000 reached her doctoral degree and in 2013 sustained the habilitation thesis. The author’s major field of study is heat and mass transfer. Dr. Minea was the Director of Council for Doctoral Studies (similar to Vice Rector) at Technical University Gheorghe Asachi from Iasi. She is Associate Editor at: International Journal of Thermophysics, Alexandria Journal, Thermal Science, Proceedings of IMECHE. She published over 130 articles (over 40 are in international peer-reviewed journals) and authored or co-authored 17 books, most of them in heat transfer area. Current research interests are in heat transfer in industrial equipment, based on modifying heat chamber geometry and improving energy consumptions, as well as nanofluids. Her professional activity is based on teaching and research. As a reviewer she participated in peer review for many international journals and conferences, as well as for national grants and study programmes. As a researcher she has 6 national grants awarded as principal investigator and more than 20 as team member.

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